Costa Mujeres – Mexico

Loving Costa Mujeres, A new model of tourist coexistence

Currently, Quintana Roo is turning its history around, and is seriously searching for mechanisms to diminish the social, economic and psychological gaps between its residents, therefore creating the conditions for a shared prosperity. Today, Costa Mujeres is an example of lessons learned, a new model of respectful coexistence with the protected area of the Mexican Caribbean Biosphere Reserve, which surrounds Costa Mujeres on its coastline at the front and the lagoon at its back. This new model responds to the regulations established in the municipality of Isla Mujeres, as it is the mainland part of the municipality and it was clear, a few decades ago, that this would be a renovated corner of Quintana Roo. This model offers Grand Tourism accommodations, but locates the hotels preserving “The coastal dune front”, with respect to maximum heights and densities, with modern systems of waste water treatment, new systems of air cooling by means of water, renewable energies, organic gardens based on ancestral knowledge, ecosystem restoration, among others, allowing the coexistence of the luxury of the Hotel chains present in the area, and endemic species living their life in peace and serenity.

Keywords: destination management, eco hotels, green practices, nature conservation, kitesurfing

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