Tartu is home to almost 100 000 inhabitants. Recently, more and more residents have commuted by car. Initiatives to promote green transport have sprung up rapidly (Tartu smart bike, Car-free avenue). However, an idea that would adopt the solution to locals as their own was missing. The transformation of the port railway into a green corridor originated as a proposal in a participative budgeting program. It identified a place where cycling infrastructure is lacking and can engage up to 20 % of Tartu’s population in sustainable mobility. Moreover, it involves more vulnerable road traffic groups. Children, dog owners, elderly people, and tourist visitors can experience the beauty of Tartu from a different angle, without having to watch out for cars and inhale exhaust fumes. The project has resonated not only with the citizens but also with local politicians, who abandoned the plan to build a ring road here.
Keywords: perseverance ; solidarity ; connecting communities ; repurpose to green